Thursday, October 23, 2008

Zechs Marquise Journal Entry 10/21/2290

When I saw Captain Platt's posting on the VRNet for a salvage expert, I wondered how likely a little clunker like the Rubato would come across worthwhile salvage. Well, within a couple of weeks of coming on board, I definitely stopped wondering. A military frigate! I've done some dangerous jobs these last few years, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw on that ship. I'm almost too afraid to write this in my journal - I'd rather just pretend it didn't happen, but I refuse to let it fade into a nightmare.

Those creatures, they reminded me of those ancient and horrific children's stories about Shrek, the blood-thirsty ogre. I'm thankful that we have some experienced military people on the crew; Jacques sharp-shooting was probably the difference between life and death for most of us.

But there are so many questions. Where were those things bound? How were they created? Who could be sick enough to want to study them? And what was their ultimate purpose?

At least we destroyed everything that remained of the abominations. It amazed me to hear the arguments that some of the others were making to turn the ship and its contents over to the military for a reward. They claimed that the government was "good", that they protected the people. If they are as good as they claim, then why would they be experimenting with these monsters?

Besides, if we had turned in the ship, it could have become...difficult - we'd certainly be investigated thoroughly before being rewarded. I can't afford that level of scrutiny if I want to stay safe, though it may soon be time to reveal myself. I realized something after Aerick mentioned neuro-transfer "resurrection". My parents must have had a similar arrangement, but someone must have interfered with the transfer. I was so distraught at their deaths and rushed away so quickly by Duo, that it never occurred to me to look into it. I will have to investigate when we return to a more civilized society.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah yeah yeah. Join the Merchant Marine! See exciting new places! Watch as washy genetic cyborg abominations try to eat your crew.

I agree Zechs in that this one should probably go in the memory hole. I'll add the entry into the 'auto dump' sequence, as well as Doc's extra schemata he's loaded into med bay if you'd like.

- Margaret