Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In the news...

Text of proposed legislation SR2290ZA12893 presented to the Martian Office of Colonial Affairs, for review of the Full Senate.

Submitted by Marcus Lehman, MP Concordia and Sin Jhou-Xiayn, MP Etrusca, Technoprogressive Party

Such that cloning technology has provided the means to incubate fully formed non-cloned bodies for individuals, and such that flash imprinting allows for the incorporation of an individual’s meta-intelligence onto these bodies, this legislation will allow for the creation of ‘adults’ utilizing randomizing algorithms and recombination techniques against current neural maps wile selecting against predatory and anti-social behavior. In this way, fully functioning members of society can be introduced to fulfill the needs of society without the painful, and wasted time of childhood distracting capital and labor of society.

This legislation is the next logical step in allowing for parents to avoid the pain and suffering of natural childbirth, and the loss in productivity inherent in raising children.

Opposition commentary by Francois Bertand, MP New Caladoina, Democratic Union Party

Developmental neurophysiologists have clearly demonstrated a link between the process of childhood and the development of an individuals unique neural – map that defines who and what they are. To imagine that this process can be any way replicated by some sort of randomizing algorithm coupled with requirements toward certain ‘desirable’ mental states is absolute madness. What the proponents of this legislation are proposing is nothing less than the development of socially acceptable zombies who will service the ruling caste in their pre-programmed manner. We cannot allow legislation like this to be passed.

1 comment:

Manish said...

Could this be a raise dead analog?