Monday, October 20, 2008

You guys need a grease jockey, right?

Hey. Right. Here, I got my papers here somewhere. No, wrong kind of papers. Here, these are the ones. Says right here: Uhura Colony, New Zion. Freeport City. Accredited to work on all manner of vacuum engines. Even cleared to work with radioactives. See? Right there.

No, really. It's a check mark. The paper's just folded funny there. Yeah, I know it looks like it was written in pen, but it's legit. Trust me, no fool is going to mess with glow sticks unless they know which way the rays are shooting. And I'm no fool. Four months cleaning Xenon out of the reactors on the Marcus Garvey, and it wasn't my fault what happened. Some hot-shot pilot gets juiced and doesn't remember that gravity is stronger when you get closer to the rocks and everyone on board gets blamed.

Never mind. I can pilot, too. Some ships, anyway. So, is this your dingy? No? The shuttle?

Oh. Well, it's a fine looking ship. No, really. A lick of paint and she'll look right out of the movies, you bet.

Listen, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm probably going to be keeping my suit on for the first couple weeks. It's like a nervous habit. No big thing.

Oh, yeah. Back at New Zion I used to do some work for Vinnie the Weasle Escrow company. Nice place. They'll even refrence me, if you want to pay for the call. But there's this guy. I guess it's a guy, all I did was talk to him over the phones, you know? So, this LolKraut293 was behind on some payments, and... Well, I don't work the phones anymore. But if you hear of this dude, let me know right away, OK? I mean, I don't think that LolKraut293 is going to blow the ship out of the Black or nothing, and I mean - really - how's he going to know I'm here? But I like to be careful, you know?

Oh, and if anyone asks about Dave from New Zion, I never heard of him. But let me know if anyone asks, all right?

Oh, yeah. My tools got scattered in the Marcus G. incident. I think they're coasting in to the sun from Ceres. I hope you have a spare set.

So, dude, when do I start?

Oh, yeah, I'll need to bum a suit off you, too. It's all good, bro.

-Jackson Fillmore Clinton. Certified mechanic.

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