Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Teddys' character

Anaraug Ortem was born on Zion to an immigrant family. Several generations before his birth, his great grandparents on his mothers' fathers' side and his grandparents on his fathers' side had made pilgrimages to the planet in order to live among their own people. They were all fanatics and they were all religeous, but at least they were not fanatic about their religeon.

In his youth Anaraug was both intellectual and athletic, although not particularly popular. This is largly due to the fact that although he he has no special talent for any of these things, he is an exeptionaly hard worker. Perhaps it was this which worked in concert with the stories he had heard of earth and other places that prompted him to flee his home world in search of adventures in space and on other planets.

His journey began at the age of 25 when he abruptly left his doctorate program in order to study abroad. Thereafter he spent his days hopping from planet to planet, never staying in the same place for more then a year or so, teaching and studying his craft as he went. By the time he had reached the age of 26 Anaraug had finished his doctorate in integrated medical hardwear. this field of medicine shows a lot of potential, but so far nothing ground breaking has been done. The cost of medical tech is already so high that it is usualy not cost efective to impliment such devics for anything less then military application.

After visiting several universities and realizing the absolutely stifling amount of knowledge which would be required for him to be counted amongst the leaders of any field, he almost resorted to cybernetics in order to further improve his mind. The procedure would have been simple enouph and affordable, but the avoidence of the downsides to having cybernetics required the implimentation of several other pieces in order to return the subject to a lifestyle identical to the one he had before.

After deciding against the procedure Anaraug had what can only be described as a mid life crisis. Anaraug fled the world of academics in order to pursue new and exiting fields.

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