Monday, November 17, 2008

Anaraugs' Diary: Entry Three

I had an interesting adventure last week. Turns out that the only person that I can really trust is an honest criminal, and unfortunately for me the number of those kind of people on the ship seems to be diminishing. I can't even trust myself anymore. And although I like to think that me and my companions are completely legitimate, the truth is that we have on more then one occasion been involved in not 100% legally congruent activities. Oh well, at least I'm not working for some high profile corporation like tajih t Tajihiro... Mr T. Goddamn it writing this stuff is hard. I'm supposed to the smart one, why do I have to put up with this crap? And why couldn't they have been Chinese? I can at least speak Chinese. A full report has been enclosed in the sealed envelope opposite. What I could not procure a hard copy of has been filled in with what I believe to be a reasonable extrapolation of the events. Also, just for the record, you've got to be one stone cold bastard to kill your own father, whether your successful or not.

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