Monday, February 2, 2009

The Men With Blue Gloves

So it came to pass that the heroes Aerick and Dez were resuscitated on Ceres, the location of the last transaction with Restore Corporation. The good thing is that they have been returned to the group. The bad thing is that they have no recollection of anything since their neural map was persisted with Restore Incorporated (Rush to Restoe now for the Improved Constant Restore Mapping Feed! Only DC 35! Order NOW NOW NOW!) so they have no idea wither they were successful, or what on earth caused their untimely death (some view this part of the neural mapping process a feature). The even worse thing was somehow the unique genetic makeup of Dez and Aerick alerted CPH Internal Security of their unique gifts.

The Rest of the crew of the Rubato meandered to Ceres, signed all of the proper releases and triggered the reconstruction of Aerick and Dez. Their release was delayed for a 'conversation', but no one seemed to notice anything untoward. Time passes when you are bored, what is a few missing hours between friends.

Anyway. Reunited, the Crew decided to help The Angels (acquaintances of Aerick) to help acquire some purchased technology. Who could deny the three lovely ladies their request for protection. So gallant! Such good pay!

It all seemed to go so well – the Crew met up the the trio at their office, took a shuttle for the rendezvous point, met up with the cargo ship and started to transfer the cargo. No worries. No angsty customs agents. But who should show up but a stealthed ship full with a full Commando? A Commando that was decidedly Not CPH in nature. Chung Quo as the Crew later fond out.

The Crew was able to fend off the intervention of the Commando, accept the cargo from Nigel Fenwith and run like hell. Another day, another dollar.

Meanwhile, Maggie had been busy, combing the datastream from Magnus's Oort Fab facility. It turns out that there is a fairly constant communication between the Fab and a place called Arcology III in Terra Orbit. Just an massive space station. Which houses Sol System CPH Defense Fleet 5 among other things.

No biggie. Probably doesn't mean anything.


You people worry to much.


alex said...

"A full Commando"? Had he just had a big lunch? And you forgot the mooks: "A full Commando and some mooks of undetermined satiety."

CJ said...

"Full commando" usually indicates sans underwear.

Unknown said...

Well. I suppose This means that people are at least sort of reading what I post...