Thursday, February 19, 2009

The List, as referenced in Episode 11

Ranked by financial reward - offered for the permanent death of these individuals:

1. Devon Rutard, CIO, Haddington Industries
2. Abdul al-jilal Imam, Bernard's Star
3. Eckard Southampton, Leader-For-Life, New Rhodesia
4. Adam Jones, Mercenary
5. Milla Tojima, Amnesty Interstellar
6. Miguel Dubois, Activists, Doctors Universal
7. James Arbogast, Communist Peoples Liberation Front
8. Niles Perth, Leader of the Anarchist Cartel
9. Dr. Sundaj Markim Rao, Evolvist
10. Tzu Hu-Sing, Leader of the Hu-Sing Cartel
11. Nikolai Borisovitch, New Kiev
12. Dr. Anthony Clark
13. Ragul Miguel de St. Clair, Mercenary
14. Franklin Benjamin, Mercenary
15. Jacques Bertard, Mercenary
16. Chang Smythe, Mercenary
17. Ninjasatui Mitsawa, CEO Ninjasatui Hostings
18. Calvin Christof, Order of Anarcho-Capitalistic Reeducation
19. Maria Latham. Mercenary
20. Aerick MacKenzie, Mercenary

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Doctors Universal (DU)

Organization Profile: Doctors Universal (DU)
Governance Structure: Not-For-Profit Board of Governors, HQ on Atlantis, Europa
Funding: Donations, Patents on research.

DU is an interplanetary medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in 2143. It is a revitalization of the defunct organization Doctors Without Borders, which did not survive the chaotic transition from Earth to scattered space colonies. (It was the advent of the jumpdrive in 2127 that made the concept on a large scale a reality again.)

The goal of the organization is to provide much needed aid to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters. DU provides independent, impartial assistance to those most in need. It is neutral and does not take sides in armed conflicts, provides care on the basis of need alone, and pushes for increased independent access to victims of conflict. It operates independently of any political, military, or religious agendas. Medical teams conduct evaluations on the ground to determine a population's medical needs before opening programs.

The key to DU’s ability to act independently in response to a crisis is its independent funding. Eighty-nine percent of DU's overall funding comes from private sources, not governments. In 2289, DU had more than three million individual donors and private funders across the Confederated Planets of Humanity and Chung Kuo.
Much of the care given by DU is to colonists who find themselves outside the protection and care of both of these superpowers. There has long been, and still is, dissension in DU as to whether the Chilrandi and Xitichui are deserving of equal care as humans, despite this ongoing contention a xenobiology branch of the DU was created in 2287.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Civil Suit against ReStore Corp Dismissed

Decendents of Sir Alfred Mitchell Smythe, an EU luminary served ReStore Corporation (LinkToInvestmentPortfiolioStockPerformansRecords) wit ha wrongful death and failure to uphold contractual obligations suit when his ReStore Universal Neural Engram storage device failed to capture his last moments and somehow corrupted his restoration process, irreversibly corrupting his neural map.


Representatives for ReStore sympathized with the Smythe families loss, but pointed our that it clearly states in both the up front contract and the End User License Agreement of the Universal ReStore device that ReStore Corporation makes no grantee of the operation of their ReStore technology.

"There are simply to many variables that we can't control", responded CEO Jackson Nojimi during out interview.

"We try out best to mitigate against externalities, but you simply can't do anything about massive solar flares, EMP detonations, supernovae and many other natural phenomenon. We think out 99.7% ReStore success rate speaks for itself in the care we take with this technology. But no one is perfect."

Analysts predicted before the civil suit would be dismissed, especially when the Central Justice Bureau declined to participate.

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Major breakthrough in Terraforming Technology!

A major Materials Sciences Breakthrough on the colony Aztlan ( LP 731-58 ).

Scientists have improved on the old Earth formula of Hydrophobic Silicate, commonly referred to as 'water-proof sand'. This material is crucial for terraforming efforts, as a layer placed under the topsoil will help to create an artificial aquifer with significant less water requirements. The substance was used extensively in the Sahara and the middle east on Old Earth before the exodus, allowing the restoration of prehistorical rivers and the creation of a tropical rain forest in parts of Saudi-Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Dubai.

This improvement increases the water retention ratio by over 100%, massively reducing the amount of external water needed to kickstart and ecosystem. Currently the TerraDyne Industries (LinkToInvestmentPortfiolioStockPerformansRecords) Terraforming Fab is producing 100 cubic meters per week, substantially improving the Aztlan settlement project timeline.

Naturally this project is not without detractors. Protesters are in arms about the the project moving forward despite the discovery of hydrophobic micro-'insects' and bacteria. Nativitists and conservators are demanding a halt to the project as scientists examine what impact the introduction of large quantities of water will have on the Aztlani ecosystem.

TerraDyne Public Relations has repeatedly pointed out that no such objections were raised during the two standard year project review process, when the initial discovery of these organisms were made, and the subsequent publishing of the idea to set aside a natural eco-preserve on Aztlan.

"Its preposterous that these reactionaries would come out of the woodwork After the initial investment was made. This project has been part of the public record for a long time new. It is our opinion that these protests are the end product of a rival organization manipulating the ignorant to drive down our Stock value." said Travis McDonovan, when interview outside of his home in Terra Nova yesterday.

More detais as they come available.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pirates and Bounty Hunters. But no ninjas.

Maria was checking her vidMail when an old friend of hers, Captain Strauss of the CPH Military gave her a buzz. It turns out that her name was found on The List of potential targets in the possession of a bounty hunter they had apprehended. Her name, as well as Aerick and Jacques. The Crew of the Rubato then lit upon the clever plan of obtaining a copy of the list for themselves to see if they can track it to its source.

But how best to do this you may ask?
It always comes down to a seedy bar on Ceres. You'd think someone would nuke that rock.

Eventually Maria managed to corner a guy – who knows what his name was, but distinctive due to his mohawk. He tells her that the man to see is Spike, owner of The Pit.

The Pit is one of the most famous, or rather infamous places in in the known 'verse. It was where Magnus's men tried to gun down Captain Platt, its where you can bet on anything for any reason. And evidently, its where you can make contact with bounty Hunters, Assassins, Smugglers, and other upstanding members of society.

Well eventually Maria, in part because of her demeanor, and her Streetwise, and most likely in no small port because of her choice of attire – well she eventually made her way into Spike's lair behind the mirror looking out on The Pit and the em field thanks to a lovely Faraday cage of some sort. Some wining and dining, a bit of cultured conversation, and 'Maria' the Bounty Hunter emerged with another copy of The List, and an offer of payment if she can prove contract competition.

No sources are really listed on The List but it tossed the Crew's operating theory of the source of the bounty into confusion. Naturally they suspected Harrington Industries. But there, number one on The List was Devon Rutard, CIO, Haddington Industries.

The group retreated to the Rubato in confusion and to regroup.

Meanwhile there was a contract to deliver! A heavy mining rig. One part space ship, one part laser extraction and one part nano-disassembler goo for ore refining. Some of the party immediately feared for their safety (probably as a result of nano-assassin bots in their past) but the machine was locked down and secured for transit. No problems. No fuss. Now worries.

Except for the Pirates besieging the mining clan's rock of choice.

The Rubato made quick work of transversing Sol system to the opposite side of the belt to Gnobu Clan headquarters, where what did thy find but a representative of the Hu-Sing Pirate clan bombarding their station for lack of payment of protection money.

Tyson took out the LAC and reconnoitered the situation. There was converted freighter of some sort, bombarding the Mining station with a light kinetic weapon (light enough to have not destroyed the station, but heavy enough to have destroyed the Gnobu Clan's Ultra Light and wreck their docking ring) with some sort of plasma cannon ready to unleash some real havoc.

Maggie, in the unarmed Rubato, decided to firstly change her vessels transponder, and secondly not get any closer to this situation. It was up to the crew to save the miners. So they took the shuttle to the far side, unloaded, and concocted a scheme – they would ride a cargo container ostensibly of tribute' to the pirate ship and take it over.

The plan worked flawlessly. They achieved surprise, and the privateers were unprepared for the havoc the party were able to unleash once in the4 cargo hold. They did run into one obstacle, the automated turret protecting the main corridor of the ship from the cargo bay. The group was able to destroy the turret, but not before James Hu-Sing and his first mate were able to escape.

Even more enemies for the crew of the Rubato to have to deal with. Some day...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Profile: Ninjasatui Hostings

prospectus: White Hat hackers and data security firm

CEO: Ninjasatui Mitsawa
Location: Sapporo, Nippon
Point of Contact: used by the party to hack into Manjasuro Consultings to determine their contacts with Haddington Industries.

Profile: Tadjusumi Industrials

Company: Tadjusumi Industrials
CEO: Nashuro Tadjusumi
Location: Sapporo, Nippon
Interests: material sciences, quantum coupled computing, bio-electronics.
Person of interest: James Tadjusumi - son of Nashuro, tried to replace his father by sabotaging future materials contracts.

Profile: Everard Schmidt

Current Location: Unknown
Current Goals: Unknown
Point of Reference: Unhealthy interest in the Rubato. May have been responsible in the previous 'change in ownership' according to Maggie.

Profile: Magnus Securities

A known subcontractor of Haddington Industries, with possible contracts with CPH System Defense.

CEO: Richard Magnus
HQ: Arcology 3: Terra Orbit.
Other known facilities: Oor Fab1, Ceres Transshipping (defunct).
Goals: Security and Defense subcontracting firm providing individuals and equipment of exceptional quality to their employers.

Profile: Haddington Industries

Profile: Haddington Holdings, LLC
Founded: 2278, Mars Office of Incorporation.
CEO: Diane Mitchell
CIO: Devon Rutard
CFO: Niles Perthington VI

Previous Entry

Profile: Project Purity

A Political Action Committee with the stated goal of removing the taint of Xenological Genetics from the human gene pool.
Leader: Nigel Kenmore
Active areas: Mars, Europa, Procyron, Nippon, Chung Kuo, Barnard
Current Activities: Project Purity is known to be actively engaged in the politics of all major human governments in Known Space.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Men With Blue Gloves

So it came to pass that the heroes Aerick and Dez were resuscitated on Ceres, the location of the last transaction with Restore Corporation. The good thing is that they have been returned to the group. The bad thing is that they have no recollection of anything since their neural map was persisted with Restore Incorporated (Rush to Restoe now for the Improved Constant Restore Mapping Feed! Only DC 35! Order NOW NOW NOW!) so they have no idea wither they were successful, or what on earth caused their untimely death (some view this part of the neural mapping process a feature). The even worse thing was somehow the unique genetic makeup of Dez and Aerick alerted CPH Internal Security of their unique gifts.

The Rest of the crew of the Rubato meandered to Ceres, signed all of the proper releases and triggered the reconstruction of Aerick and Dez. Their release was delayed for a 'conversation', but no one seemed to notice anything untoward. Time passes when you are bored, what is a few missing hours between friends.

Anyway. Reunited, the Crew decided to help The Angels (acquaintances of Aerick) to help acquire some purchased technology. Who could deny the three lovely ladies their request for protection. So gallant! Such good pay!

It all seemed to go so well – the Crew met up the the trio at their office, took a shuttle for the rendezvous point, met up with the cargo ship and started to transfer the cargo. No worries. No angsty customs agents. But who should show up but a stealthed ship full with a full Commando? A Commando that was decidedly Not CPH in nature. Chung Quo as the Crew later fond out.

The Crew was able to fend off the intervention of the Commando, accept the cargo from Nigel Fenwith and run like hell. Another day, another dollar.

Meanwhile, Maggie had been busy, combing the datastream from Magnus's Oort Fab facility. It turns out that there is a fairly constant communication between the Fab and a place called Arcology III in Terra Orbit. Just an massive space station. Which houses Sol System CPH Defense Fleet 5 among other things.

No biggie. Probably doesn't mean anything.


You people worry to much.