Friday, January 23, 2009

Homework assignment 2


For your second assignment, I'd like each of you to create a new Contact based Plot Point for your character based on our travels so far and flush it out. For example, Aericks 3 girlfriends, or perhaps more info on Maria's security contacts. Basically just pick someplace we've been to and expand on who've you've met there that was helpful - so that these NPC's can be bumped into down the road.

Homework Completion Status:
Aerick: 100%
Maria: 100%
Dez: 90%
Zechs: 50%
McGibson: 50%
Tyson: 25%
N.U.R.S.E: 0%



While I have some character info from most of you, the plot points and contact lists are pretty slim. So! In the spirit of 'Your GM does to much work and demands tribute!', here is an assignment for you all. Please fill out the following 'form' to the best of your ability. By tonight would be great, but I can understand if this can't be done until next week.

Class and Level:


Family and Contacts:

Recent History:

Plot points:

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Return of Magnus, part 1

Captain Platt received a lead on the operations of Magnus (see Episode 6). Evidently he has contacts with one Ed Pilbst aka Franklin Benjamins, a smuggler known to hand out at the Flourishing Morlock on Ceres. The Crew of the Rubato is detailed to hunt down this person of interest and find out what he knows about Magnus, and his connections with Haddington Industries.

The group staked out the pub/bar/whatever located in the heart of the working class district of Ceres. Ed eventually showed up in the company of Edward Gorskov and James Plinsky, both employees of Brinks Securities and Enforcement (a private security firm active throughout the CPH, specifically on private settlements or corporate outposts within Belter regions and outlying colonies).

Eventually the Crew's mark left the bar, and headed to his private quarters on Ceres. They managed to corner him there, and for the right price he sold them the location of one of Magnus's private Oort trading stations.

The Rubat then headed to the station, but not all the way – the crew offloaded and took the shuttle the rest of the way in. Aerick and The Welshman decided to infiltrate the station. They were successful. Sort of.. Aerick was able to implant a tracking but into the stations communications array. But their clumsy bluffing skills resulted in Magnus Security reducing both of them to vary small parts and piles of organic matter.

Luckily both have fairly recent restore images (at this experience level? Hmmm. -The Narrator). One would hope anyway. Now the Crew awaits the data feed from the bug....

Rock Star Assassins

So it game to pass that Captain Platt was a fan of a certain Rock/Sensate sensation, Stillairia. What is a Rock/Sensate group you ask? Well, take one part Rock band, one part Reality TV, and one part sensory model/simulation and you have Stillairia. The band is comprised of: James Monroe, aka Sasha X – the lead singer, and “Most Desirable Man 2290”, Regar Williams on Guitar, Malcom Finn on Base, William Snitts on Drums, and Tyrone 'Ty' Fitzimmons, MD, PhD on 'Interface' (all of the electronic wizardy that makes the Sensate happen). The group is accompanied by various roadies, groupies, and their manager, Clarice Hammond.

Captain Platt and the Rubato were hired to transport this group from Mars to the Rus planet of Moskva. Everything seemed straightforward; reconfigure the cargo hold to handle a 3 week Rock partystock up on foodstuffs and alcohol, and basically just enjoy the fun of the trip.

But then odd things began to occur. Random ares of the ship began to loose mass, as if something was stripping the carbon-fiber titanium hull for other purposes. Kill bots to be exact, as the crew soon discovered. And sabotage. Soon the Rubato was stranded in LAC 9352 (lovely binary system two red dwarfs, a couple of gas giants, some random dirt ball moons, and an asteroid belt) trying to repair structural irregularities and 4 vented deuterium tanks.

Oh! And lets not forget the assassination attempt against the rock band during a particular zero-g party in the hold. Quick thinking and fast reflexes among the crew prevented anyone from getting sucked out of the failed cargo door, and put an end to the threat of the killbots – for the time being.

So the Crew offloaded along with most of the roadies and the groupies to spend a couple of weeks mining deuterium on a nearby moon. Luckily there was an abandoned settlement which provided a nicely equipped base of operations in the system. And it was unoccupied by pirates, space aliens or anything else unpleasant. Unfortunately, the remaining killbots were successful in offing the band while the crew was off the ship.

Well, this wouldn't be so bad – obviously the band would be up to date on their Restore policy.

Unfortunately, int was discovered that the bands Restore record had been hacked and corrupted once the Rubato made landfall in Moskva. So much for a nice, uneventful trip and Maria's desire to remain out of the public eye. On the positive side, the crew was able to gain significant proceeds from recordings of the “Last Days of Stillairia”.

Oh – one final note. The groupie Junie had been hanging around with Ty quite a bit for the past couple of years. And it also tuned out that Ty and Sasha X have been 'feuding' about the future of the group. And Ty, is apparently considered quite the genius in the Nanomanipulation, Information Theory and Game Theory circles. Which adds a layer of 'well isn't that interesting' to the fact that Junie hopped a transport to Mars as soon as the Rubato landed on Moskva, and evidently disappeared on route.